lead generation

As an experienced educator with over 30+ years of teaching experience, I have truly enjoyed teaching and conducting research. I have published over 50 journal articles, 3 books, and interviewed 21 Nobel Prize winners regarding their parenting experiences (both their parents & themselves as parents).

As a lifelong learner, I earned advanced degrees from top universities including UIR at Beijing (B.A.), UNSW at Sydney (M.Ed.), HKU at Hong Kong (M.Phil.), and UVA at Charlottesville, VA (Ph.D.). I was an Assistant Professor at HKIEd in Hong Kong (2007-2011); a Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia (2011-2012); and then an Assistant Professor & the Director of the Center for Gifted Studies at Murray State University and the Supervisor of the Super Saturdays and Summer Challenge programs (2012-2019).

As a dedicated researcher, I received many awards, including the AERA (American Educational Research Association) award for research; the prestigious national award from the Chinese ambassador in Washington DC in recognition of my accomplishments and contributions to the field of gifted education; and numerous grants and fellowships.

Now, as the proud Founder of Teaching Online 123 (TO123), I am determined to help fellow educators and other well-trained professionals pursue a lifetime career they love, make a large impact on the world, and help more people with their own unique expertise and knowledge.

Book a call and find out

what an amazing program TO123 is offering!

I grew up in a rural area in the west of China...

Since then, I have lived in many places, traveled to 5 continents & over 30 countries, and have been teaching for over 30 years at every level, K-20 & beyond.

In 2007, I graduated from UVA with a Ph.D. degree in Gifted Education, and started teaching as a professor, first in Hong Kong, then in the USA. While my love for teaching and passion for educational research was fulfilling, I had very little free time, and instead was under constant pressure and stress (which seems to be typical to a college professor especially in the US)!

24/7, 365 days a year, my mind had been on preparing and teaching classes, designing & conducting research, providing services, writing journal articles, publishing books, attending conferences...

My personal life was greatly affected by the endless demand, and I began to burn out in both the academic sphere and my personal world.

In 2017, I was very fortunate to meet Rick, a wonderful, caring and loving man, who I married two years later. There was quite a distance between our jobs and it was truly troublesome that Rick had a 2-hour commute to and from work every day. I seriously started to consider teaching online exclusively.

In 2018, I was still a professor and the Director of the Center for Gifted Studies at the university (MSU). Due to a huge federal budget cut, the university's new administration decided to eliminate the Gifted Program completely without considering how valuable this program was to the public. It was such an appalling action that showed how little the university administration and those in charge of the college of education cared about the school districts, the teachers, parents and especially the students, who still desperately needed support for gifted education.

Although it's typical that only a small part (20-25% in the USA) of faculty members are tenured, it was still upsetting when I didn't receive the expected tenureship. I could move on with annual contract staying in academia, while having more burden on my shoulders and less security. It's not what I dreamed for my life, and it's especially not what I hoped for a beautiful future with Rick in it. I decided to quit -- quit being unappreciated and exploited, quit having to tolerate the politics in academia, and quit working for others... Forever!

When Rick and I moved to TN to be close to his family in 2020, the pandemic had just started. It was the perfect time for me to start to be my own boss, creating my own online program, and building this life-time career that I could enjoy.

Soon it turned out that leaving the academic field as an employee was simply THE most "Divine Decision", and THE best choice I chose in my whole life -- It has led me onto this fascinating journey of teaching & coaching online, which I love so much, every minute and every day...

I Thank God each sunrise for opening the door and showing me how beautiful and amazing life can be while doing what I desire. I'm helping people in need, earning what I deserve, and having so much more family time. The pitiful salary, the stressful job environment, and the unrewarded sacrifices I had experienced from the past job as an academic have all "Gone With the Wind" - And what a blessing!!

So, if I can do this - living a life of my dream, YOU can do this too! You can set your new life goals and get on this journey NOW and start to build a beautiful life for yourself and your loved ones, just like what I'm doing. All the wild dreams you thought were impossible before can all become true - either helping more people with your knowledge & experience, buying a beautiful house for your family, traveling all around the world, retiring early, or doing whatever you love every single day...

You can have what I consider to be the most important 3 "I"s in our lives:

~~ A big Impact

~~ A large Identity

~~ A great Income

These are all possible for YOU. Let's go get it!

Like you, I have had many dreams.

When I was young, I dreamed to fly high like a bird (my Chinese name is a bird). As an eight-year-old, I dreamed to be a pianist. Once I hit my teenage years, I dreamed to be a better teacher than the teachers I had at the time.

Later on, I dreamed to have a wonderful family and be a happy wife and loving mother. At the forefront of my hopes for many years, I dreamed to have a successful and fulfilling career, and to be able to enjoy my life every single day.

My journey so far has taken me to many places where I had been learning, teaching, and experiencing different cultures and lifestyles in different areas.

Through many years of perseverance, I am so fortunate to have fulfilled my dreams to do what I love (although I may still learn how to play the piano! Lol), to find the love of my life, and to be a super proud mom of two intelligent adult children who are flying high in their own lives.

Like you, I also had many struggles.

Thinking back on the life I've lived so far, I can tell you that it was not always a smooth journey as I wished it would be. It has not been short of difficulties and struggles.

As an educator and a woman of color, there were times I suffered, cried, stumbled, and felt scared, daunted, and unappreciated at some critical moments of my life.

While I was pretty sure that the perseverance and determination I inherited from my parents might have led me to strive to be successful, I still knew that something was missing.

I was lost in the small classroom with limited students, I was being underpaid with very few benefits, and I was not able to make more impact or income.

That is why I can totally relate to your stress and frustration.

I can understand your stress and frustration, and the pressure you put on yourself by wanting to achieve more and to help people.

I experienced the pain and struggles you have experienced - or you may still experience today.

I feel your anxiety not being able to earn higher income to support yourself & your family.

I know the guilt deep in your heart of not being able to spend more time with your spouse/partner and children.

I relate to you and see the anguish you have for not being financially able to travel the world or not having the time to fully enjoy your personal life and hobbies...

Now, FINALLY, I have found my MISSION!

In the past few years, there have been big changes in my life. They are positive changes, for which I am extremely grateful.

The driving force inside of me is a great desire to fly high and fulfill my dreams. I have finally found my Life Purpose, my Mission, and my Destiny! That is:

Helping professionals like YOU

to create and sell your own online course, part-time or full-time, while being happier and healthier, enjoying life fully, and not sacrificing your time and energy!

I have learned through many trials and failures. I have invested tens of thousands of dollars learning from other successful online entrepreneurs, doing extensive research, and seeking for more opportunities.

I am so thankful that all these ups and downs in life have led me to a bright, prosperous


NOW I have created an amazing online program, TO123!

This program will help you (1) create your own course or coaching program in a VERY SHORT period of time and (2) sell your program online in the EASIEST way that you have never known. I will show you the strategies on how to skip all the pains & struggles that I have experienced.

You need HELP. You may find that there are many people or companies claiming they can help you build your online business.


You need HELP from the RIGHT person.

You need HELP from the RIGHT person who UNDERSTANDS how you feel as a PROFESSIONAL.

And I am the RIGHT person to help you.

I have specifically created my TO123 Coaching Program AND the TO123 Course for professionals like you, so you can go through a hands-on training that helps you:

>> Find the quickest and easiest way to get started;

>> Narrow down and identify the specific niche you can work on to create a successful course;

>> Design your course content that fits the exact needs of your audience;

>> Choose the best course platform, and set up your marketing pipelines from the starting point (no email list or website) leading to the final sales;

>> Build your contact list and develop your email sequence in a short period of time;

>> Write your email copy without headache and attract the perfect audience to your course;

>> Sell your course in the best way that will not only build value to your audience, but also build their trust in you;

>> Create a roadmap specifically for your online course, and business;

>> Build a profitable, enjoyable, and long-lasting educational business!

My step-by-step process will help you achieve your goal within 90 days. You will be able to spend less time working, earn more income, have a much greater impact, and enjoy your daily life more than ever!

I wish I could hold your hands, and look into your eyes and tell you:

You Can Do It!

I can help you become more confident in yourself, more successful in life, and much happier every day, and knowing that: You Deserve A Better Life!

I love my life. I only found my life's purpose after I turned 50 years old. No matter how old you are now, you don't have to wait any longer.

TO123 can help you find your life purpose.


Create a Course you Care About,

Live a Life you Love!

Take the first step on your journey to a better life now!

Sign up here to get my 9-page PDF, "Top 5 Secrets to Selling Online"

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We have the knowledge and the tools to help you succeed.

  • We can scan your competitors' campaigns
  • We can generate thousands of keywords
  • We can leverage your buying power for lower pay-per-click pricing
  • We can design effective landing pages
  • We can produce effective online ads
  • We can utilize or train you to track and nurture your leads in your own dedicated CRM

Our team is focused on generating leads that are ready to become customers on a daily basis.

Create Your Program,

Build Your Future.

Start Now.

TO123 (Teaching Online 123) is THE BEST resource for educators & other professionals to create & sell online courses.

Reach out today so you can start making a large impact & earn a great income within 3 months.

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© 2024 Teaching Online 123.